Have you ever heard of Neurofibromatosis?


OK. So, let me tell you who I am, what is Neurofibromatosis and why did I create this brand.

Follow me!

My name is Curtison Haywood, I was Born in ST. Vincent and the Grenadines.

I started this brand because positive self-talk saved me, grew my self-esteem and now, I am conveying that message to you through clothing.

At the Age of 14 I found out I had Neurofibromatosis.

A genetic disorder which causes tumors to grow on the nerve tissues.

(That revelation took a toll on my mental health.)

I was at a school beach picnic when one classmate brought the bumps to my attention, I never knew, and my parents never made it known to me until I went home that afternoon. So, I went to a skin doctor, and they broke the news to me. It hit me like a boulder, energy dropped, confidence lost, and the ability to focus was gone or should I say, I thought more about my skin condition than my schooling. it was downhill from there.

Dealing with peer pressure, it made me feel inferior and socially awkward. No beach because I cannot be shirtless, No Pool Parties, No Cruises so I was limited. Every time I looked into a mirror, I wanted to know why me?

Thats when I found speaker like Les Brown and Jim Rhon. So, I started listening to motivational speeches and videos to take my mind off the diagnosis. And I started to speak positivity over my life.

Practicing mindful meditation, I saw the words I AM... with the Three (3) dots clear as day. And I recalled Napolean Hill saying that when these ideas flash into your mind, you should treat it with respect and act upon it immediately and that is exactly what I did.

I went to a print shop, spoke with their designer and told him what I saw and after Two afternoons I scribbled something down to switch the A in the phrase and he said give him 30 minutes and he sent back this logo and I knew we didn't have to add nor take away. that's how the logo was created, and this brand Was born.

The brand is to inspire or aid someone who is going through things, that you can fare better by speaking positive over your life in spite of all conspicuous flaws.

Now I have found a way to convey my story through clothing. The goal is to tell my story one T-SHIRT at a time and in doing so inspire others to find their way of telling their truth, as I am telling mine now.

The three (3) dots represent whoever you say you are or choose to be.

The brand is about reinstilling values back into people's lives, letting them know that they are powerful beyond people's limitations.

Thanks for reading all the way to the End.